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Touchdown Forte 500 SL (500ml)

(5.00)27 Reviews
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Original price was: KSh2,005.00.Current price is: KSh2,000.00.

Touchdown Forte 500 SL is a systematic post-emergence non-selective herbicide for control of virtually all annual and perennial weeds.

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SKU: C-26-3-4-2022

Product details

Touchdown Forte 500 SL with “hi-tech” technology is a systematic post-emergence non-selective herbicide for control of virtually all annual and perennial weeds.


The visible effect on treated foliage usually appears 7 – 10 days after treatment but may vary according to weather conditions.



Touchdown Forte 500 SL Active Ingredient

Glyphosate 500 g/l.




Available in a 500 ml bottle.




Slurry Liquid (SL)



WHO Classification




Touchdown Forte 500 SL Mode of Action

TOUCHDOWN contains a unique, enhanced delivery system resulting in a reliable high performance. It can be used at any time and on any crop (including glyphosate-tolerant crops), as required by the grower’s weed management program.



Rate of Application

Apply at 0.5 – 3.0 litres/ha



Touchdown Forte 500 SL Targets

Annual & Perennial grasses and broadleaf weeds.



Main Crops

Cereals, Sugarcane, Tea, Coffee, Bananas, Sisal & Citrus.



Key Benefits
  • Rain fastness – Excellent retention, wetting, and optimal spreading compared to ordinary glyphosate.
  • High efficacy – Improved dual adjuvant allows faster absorption and faster weeds control.
  • Systemicity – Passive and penetrative properties of dual adjuvant ensure effective movement to growing parts.
  • Flexibility – It may be used prior to planting all crops, in established planting crops such as coffee, tea, sisal & sugarcane.



Ground application

Touchdown Forte 500 SL can be applied with conventional ground equipment (tractor mounted booms, knapsack, etc).

  • Optimum spray deposits are obtained with ground equipment calibrated to spray 100 – 300 l/ha with suitable nozzles to ensure adequate coverage.
  • Where drift is a problem, do not exceed 2 bar. Use only the pressures recommended for specific nozzles to avoid drift. Stop spraying if the wind speed exceeds 10 km/h.
  • Do not spray when the relative humidity is less than 40 %.


Apply the Touchdown Forte dosage rate according to the weed growth stage – the higher dosage rates within the range should be used when the weeds are older and more established in the specific growth stage.

  • Touchdown Forte should only be applied to actively growing weeds that are not dormant or under temperature, moisture or any other stress. Rain or irrigation a few days prior to application ensures that weeds are actively growing, resulting in optimum efficacy.
  • Use only clean water with no suspended soil particles in the spray mixture.
  • Ensure that spray equipment is clean, free from all sediments, rust, or dust, and correctly calibrated before spraying.
  • Use a low spray pressure (100 – 200 kPa) and the correct nozzles to avoid spray drift.
  • Ensure even coverage of all weeds under application and apply to incipient runoff.
  • TOUCHDOWN Forte is actively absorbed through the immature bark and leaves of most plants and trees. Contact with immature bark can result in serious localized or translocated damage.
  • Therefore contact with leaves, green or immature bark, and fruit of desired plants, whether direct or by spray drift, must be avoided. Always make sure that only undesired plants are treated.
  • Rain or irrigation within 3 hours of application can reduce the efficacy of TOUCHDOWN Forte.
  • It has no pre-emergence activity, therefore repeat applications are necessary (when applied on its own) to control weeds germinating from seed. Ensure that target weeds are fully exposed to the spray.
  • Inconsistent and variable control of weeds even at high rates may be experienced due to a number of reasons namely
    a) drought stress
    b) cold or heat stress
    c) plants with waxy layers e.g. Portulaca oleracea,
    d) natural resistance to glyphosate-based products e.g. Commelina bengalensis, Ipomoea spp.
    e) acquired resistance due to the repeated use of glyphosate
    f) poor coverage and penetration of exposed leaves e.g. Argemone subfusiformis,
    g) plants with bulbs and tubers e.g. Cyperus spp.,
    h) inconsistent relationship between above soil parts and below soil parts e.g. Conyza bonariensis after dry periods or growth during the winter.
    i) poor water quality.



Touchdown Forte 500 SL Certifications

Touchdown Forte 500 SL Material Safety Data Sheet

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