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Bio Pit Latrine & Sewage Digester (500g)

(5.00)45 Reviews
Original price was: KSh4,999.00.Current price is: KSh2,293.00.
Bio Pit Latrine & Sewage Digester clears blocked drain pipes, eliminates bad smell, and prevents latrines and septic tanks from filing up.
Bio Pit Latrine & Sewage Digester clears blocked drain pipes, eliminates bad smell, and prevents latrines and septic tanks from filing up.

Biochem Bio-Pit 300g

0 Reviews
Original price was: KSh2,999.00.Current price is: KSh1,399.00.
Bio-pit Prevents Pit Latrines, Septic Tanks & Drainage Systems from Fill Ups, Clears Blockage, Repels flies & Eliminates Bad Odor.
Bio-pit Prevents Pit Latrines, Septic Tanks & Drainage Systems from Fill Ups, Clears Blockage, Repels flies & Eliminates Bad Odor.

Biochem Bio-Pit 300g

(5.00)27 Reviews
Original price was: KSh1,999.00.Current price is: KSh1,398.00.
Bio-pit Prevents Pit Latrines, Septic Tanks & Drainage Systems from Fill Ups, Clears Blockage, Repels flies & Eliminates Bad Odor.
Bio-pit Prevents Pit Latrines, Septic Tanks & Drainage Systems from Fill Ups, Clears Blockage, Repels flies & Eliminates Bad Odor.

Biodigester (1Kg)

(5.00)36 Reviews
Original price was: KSh2,670.00.Current price is: KSh2,600.00.
Biodigester attacks and break up organic waste for pit latrines, septic tanks, and drainage systems.
Biodigester attacks and break up organic waste for pit latrines, septic tanks, and drainage systems.

Biodigester (500g)

(5.00)45 Reviews
Original price was: KSh1,660.00.Current price is: KSh1,600.00.
Biodigester attacks and break up organic waste for pit latrines, septic tanks, and drainage systems.
Biodigester attacks and break up organic waste for pit latrines, septic tanks, and drainage systems.

Biopit Pit Latrine & Sewage Digester - 500gm

(5.00)54 Reviews
Original price was: KSh4,999.00.Current price is: KSh2,299.00.
Bio Pit Latrine & Sewage Digester clears blocked drain pipes, eliminates bad smell, and prevents latrines and septic tanks from filing up.
Bio Pit Latrine & Sewage Digester clears blocked drain pipes, eliminates bad smell, and prevents latrines and septic tanks from filing up.

Biopit Pit Latrine & Sewage Digester 500g

(5.00)54 Reviews
Original price was: KSh2,999.00.Current price is: KSh2,298.00.
Bio Pit Digester contains a blend of beneficial bacteria in a dissolvable “no-mess” powder formulation, which non-chemically eliminates the build-up of household wastes, which cause odors, blocked drain lines, and septic system failure.
Bio Pit Digester contains a blend of beneficial bacteria in a dissolvable “no-mess” powder formulation, which non-chemically eliminates the build-up of household wastes, which cause odors, blocked drain lines, and septic system failure.

Dio Pit Digester (750g)

(5.00)126 Reviews
Original price was: KSh3,599.00.Current price is: KSh3,499.00.
Dio pit digester clears blocked drain pipes, eliminates bad smell, and prevents latrines and septic tanks from filing up.
Dio pit digester clears blocked drain pipes, eliminates bad smell, and prevents latrines and septic tanks from filing up.

Dio Pit Digester (750g)

(5.00)27 Reviews
Dio pit digester clears blocked drain pipes, eliminates bad smell, and prevents latrines and septic tanks from filing up.
Dio pit digester clears blocked drain pipes, eliminates bad smell, and prevents latrines and septic tanks from filing up.

Flush Pit (500g)

(5.00)9 Reviews
Original price was: KSh2,599.00.Current price is: KSh2,499.00.
Flush Pit is a heavy-duty solution for pit latrines and septic tanks that clears sludge and stinking smells.
Flush Pit is a heavy-duty solution for pit latrines and septic tanks that clears sludge and stinking smells.

Flush Pit (500g)

(5.00)27 Reviews
Original price was: KSh2,599.00.Current price is: KSh2,499.00.
Flush Pit is a heavy-duty solution for pit latrines and septic tanks that clears sludge and stinking smells.
Flush Pit is a heavy-duty solution for pit latrines and septic tanks that clears sludge and stinking smells.

Flush Pit(1kg)

0 Reviews
Original price was: KSh3,599.00.Current price is: KSh3,499.00.
Flush Pit is a heavy-duty solution for pit latrines and septic tanks that clears sludge and stinking smells.
Flush Pit is a heavy-duty solution for pit latrines and septic tanks that clears sludge and stinking smells.

Flush Pit(1kg)

(5.00)27 Reviews
Original price was: KSh3,599.00.Current price is: KSh3,499.00.
Flush Pit is a heavy-duty solution for pit latrines and septic tanks that clears sludge and stinking smells.
Flush Pit is a heavy-duty solution for pit latrines and septic tanks that clears sludge and stinking smells.

Septozyme BFB (Biodigester, Septic Tank, Pit, Sewage, Compost Bacteria & Enzymes)

(5.00)72 Reviews
Septozyme BFB is used in reducing BOD, and COD levels as well as reducing the sludge volume odor, and color in the septic tank, biodigesters, wastewater, drains, etc.
Septozyme BFB is used in reducing BOD, and COD levels as well as reducing the sludge volume odor, and color in the septic tank, biodigesters, wastewater, drains, etc.

Super Pit Digester (250g)

(5.00)45 Reviews
Original price was: KSh1,620.00.Current price is: KSh1,600.00.
Super Pit digester attacks and break up organic waste for pit latrines, septic tanks, and drainage systems.
Super Pit digester attacks and break up organic waste for pit latrines, septic tanks, and drainage systems.

Super Pit Digester (750g)

0 Reviews
Original price was: KSh2,620.00.Current price is: KSh2,600.00.
Super Pit digester is a blend of agents carefully and perfectly formulated to attack and break up organic waste for pit latrines, septic tanks, and drainage systems.
Super Pit digester is a blend of agents carefully and perfectly formulated to attack and break up organic waste for pit latrines, septic tanks, and drainage systems.

Super Septic - 100g

0 Reviews
Original price was: KSh1,680.00.Current price is: KSh1,600.00.
Super Septic is a pit toilet and septic tank treatment that is made up of organic bacteria which are eco-friendly and break down waste effectively.
Super Septic is a pit toilet and septic tank treatment that is made up of organic bacteria which are eco-friendly and break down waste effectively.

Super Septic - 100gm

(5.00)54 Reviews
Original price was: KSh1,660.00.Current price is: KSh1,600.00.
Super Septic is a pit toilet and septic tank treatment that is made up of organic bacteria which are eco-friendly and break down waste effectively.
Super Septic is a pit toilet and septic tank treatment that is made up of organic bacteria which are eco-friendly and break down waste effectively.

Super Septic (100g)

(5.00)54 Reviews
Original price was: KSh1,690.00.Current price is: KSh1,600.00.
Super Septic is a pit toilet and septic tank treatment that is made up of organic bacteria which are eco-friendly and break down waste effectively.
Super Septic is a pit toilet and septic tank treatment that is made up of organic bacteria which are eco-friendly and break down waste effectively.

Taco Drain Cleaner 1kg

(5.00)36 Reviews
Original price was: KSh2,900.00.Current price is: KSh2,899.00.
Taco drain cleaner (Powder) is ideal to unblock drains, sinks, and toilet bowls in homes, hotels, and institutions. It also helps in clearing blockages caused by fats and waste from the kitchen, bathrooms, and main drain pipes.
Taco drain cleaner (Powder) is ideal to unblock drains, sinks, and toilet bowls in homes, hotels, and institutions. It also helps in clearing blockages caused by fats and waste from the kitchen, bathrooms, and main drain pipes.

Taco Drain Cleaner 500g

(5.00)45 Reviews
Original price was: KSh1,898.00.Current price is: KSh1,896.00.
Taco drain cleaner (Powder) is ideal to unblock drains, sinks, and toilet bowls in homes, hotels, and institutions. It also helps in clearing blockages caused by fats and waste from the kitchen, bathrooms, and main drain pipes.
Taco drain cleaner (Powder) is ideal to unblock drains, sinks, and toilet bowls in homes, hotels, and institutions. It also helps in clearing blockages caused by fats and waste from the kitchen, bathrooms, and main drain pipes.

Taco Drain Cleaner 5kg

(5.00)54 Reviews
Original price was: KSh6,999.00.Current price is: KSh6,998.00.
Taco drain cleaner (Powder) is ideal to unblock drains, sinks, and toilet bowls in homes, hotels, and institutions. It also helps in clearing blockages caused by fats and waste from the kitchen, bathrooms, and main drain pipes.
Taco drain cleaner (Powder) is ideal to unblock drains, sinks, and toilet bowls in homes, hotels, and institutions. It also helps in clearing blockages caused by fats and waste from the kitchen, bathrooms, and main drain pipes.
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