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Easygro Fruit & Flower (1kg)

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Easygro Fruit & flower is a water-soluble fertilizer suitable for plants during flowering and fruiting stages and post-harvest (storage) life of the produce.

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Product details

Easygro Fruit & flower is a water-soluble fertilizer suitable for plants during the flowering and fruiting stages and post-harvest (storage) life of the produce.


A fertilizer with chelated macro elements and bio-stimulants for foliar feeding and fertigation. It is recommended for use during plant growth periods that require relatively high levels of potassium levels e.g. flowering, fruiting, and grain filling.

Due to its high potassium content, it helps in even ripening of fruits, proper fruit size, and colors, shelf life as well as resistance to drought stress.

Easygro Fruit & Flower Recommended Rates

-Vegetables (Beans, Peas, Onions, Tomatoes): Use 40g/20 Litre water (2kg/Ha) applied every 10 days during the flowering and fruiting stages.

-Tree crops (Citrus, Coffee, Mangoes, Avocado, Cotton): Use 40g/20 Litre water (5kg/Ha) applied every 10 days interval during the flowering and fruiting stages.

-Soil drench: Use 20-40g/20 Ltr (3-6kg)/Ha. Apply directly onto the soil and soak in with irrigation.

-Trace elements: Boron, Copper, Iron, Manganese, Molybdenum, Zinc, Amino acids.

Easygro Fruit & Flower Composition

14:11:33 + TE



Easygro Fruit & Flower Packaging

Available in 1kg packs

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