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Calcimax is a liquid Calcium complex for use as a foliar nutrient on various crops to prevent or correct Calcium deficiencies and related physiological disorders.

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SKU: F-10-9-6-2022-1-1

Product details

Calcimax is a liquid Calcium complex for use as a foliar nutrient on various crops to prevent or correct Calcium deficiencies and related physiological disorders.



Calcimax is compatible with the most commonly used foliar feeds. Do not use with products that contain high Phosphorus, Phosphate, and Sulphur levels including commercial applications. Where overhead systems are in use, avoid scheduling irrigation directly after application. In Orchards equipped with micro irrigation systems, spray deposits should not be affected by irrigation. Use the lower concentration for maintenance and the higher concentration for sufficient uptake.



Calcimax Declared Contents
Calcium (Ca) 78.5 g/kg (100 g/ℓ) (Carbohydrate chelate complex)
Boron (B) 5.08 g/kg (6.5 g/ℓ)
pH 5-8
Calcimax Application Rate
Citrus 300 – 500m/100 litres of water to a maximum of 15 litres/ha Apply as a medium cover spray in 1000 – 3000 / water/ha. Apply at fruit set
Potatoes (Hollow heart, Brown spot) Improved shelf life and heat tolerance. 500m/100 litres of water to a maximum of 4 litres/ha Apply at tuber initiation followed by a further 3 sprays with 10-14 days intervals. Apply in no less than 500 litres of waterha
Tomatoes, Peppers (Blossom-end rot) 500m/100 litres of water to a maximum of 4 litres/ha Apply from first fruit set and repeat at 7 – 10 day intervals. Apply in no less than 500 litres of water/ha
Cucurbits (Watermelons, Cucumbers, etc) Blossom – end rot 500m/100 litres of water to a maximum of 3 litres/ha Apply from first fruit set and repeat at 14 day intervals.. Apply inno less than 500 litres of water / ha
  Brassicas Lettuce   500m/100 litres of water to a maximum of 3 litres/ha Apply 2-3 sprays in a regular programme with 7 – 10 day intervals from heading. Apply in no less than 300 litres of water / ha. It is always recommended to use a sticer to improve efficacy
  Celery (Black heart) 500m/100 litres of water to a maximum of 3 litres/ha Apply in a regular programme with 7 day intervals as a directed spray after establishment of transplanted seedlings. 2-3 sprays in a regular programme. Apply in no less than 300 litres of water / ha.
Subtropical fruit and nuts: Mangoes, Avocadoes, Macadamias, Pecan nuts, Banans, Litchi (Fruit colouring and internal fruit quality)   500m/100 litres of water to a maximum of 15 litres/ha   Apply as a medium cover spray in 1000 – 3000 litres / water / ha during flowering and apply a follow-up spray, 2 weeks later.
  Ornamentals 500m/100 litres of water to a maximum of 5 litres/ha Apply 2-3 applications with weekly intervals until symptoms disappear. Ensure thorough wetting of plants.




Spray volumes will be determined by the actual tree or plant size. The dosage is dependent on the magnitude of the deficiency.




Before applying Calcimax consult a qualified Agronomist or an Agricultural Adviser on the necessity of using it.

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