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Benocarb 100SC (500ml)

(5.00)27 Reviews
Insecticide for control of Tuta absoluta in Tomatoes, Diamond Back Moth (DBM) in Broccoli, False Codling Moth (FCM) in Capsicum and Caterpillars in Roses.
Insecticide for control of Tuta absoluta in Tomatoes, Diamond Back Moth (DBM) in Broccoli, False Codling Moth (FCM) in Capsicum and Caterpillars in Roses.

Benocarb 100SC (50ml)

(5.00)27 Reviews
Insecticide for control of Tuta absoluta in Tomatoes, Diamond Back Moth (DBM) in Broccoli, False Codling Moth (FCM) in Capsicum and Caterpillars in Roses.
Insecticide for control of Tuta absoluta in Tomatoes, Diamond Back Moth (DBM) in Broccoli, False Codling Moth (FCM) in Capsicum and Caterpillars in Roses.

Bentagran Top 240 EC (1ltr)

(5.00)45 Reviews
Original price was: KSh5,000.00.Current price is: KSh4,500.00.
Bentagran Top 240 EC is a post-emergent herbicide for the control of annual weeds in beans fields and French beans fields.
Bentagran Top 240 EC is a post-emergent herbicide for the control of annual weeds in beans fields and French beans fields.

Bentagran Top 240 EC (1ltr)

0 Reviews
Original price was: KSh5,000.00.Current price is: KSh4,500.00.
Bentagran Top 240 EC is a post-emergent herbicide for the control of annual weeds in beans fields and French beans fields.
Bentagran Top 240 EC is a post-emergent herbicide for the control of annual weeds in beans fields and French beans fields.

Bentagran Top 240EC (1L)

(5.00)18 Reviews
Bentagran Top 240EC is a post-emergent herbicide for control of annual weeds in beans fields and French beans fields.
Bentagran Top 240EC is a post-emergent herbicide for control of annual weeds in beans fields and French beans fields.

Bentil 23EC - 1 liter

(5.00)72 Reviews
Pack Size: 1 liter
Pack Size: 1 liter

Bentil 23EC - 100ml

(5.00)18 Reviews
Pack Size: 100ml
Pack Size: 100ml

Bentil 23EC - 250ml

(5.00)99 Reviews
Bentil 23EC (250ml). Insecticide/Miticide for control of Thrips, Caterpillars and Spider Mites on Roses and French Beans, Thrips on Capsicum, and Tomatoes.
Bentil 23EC (250ml). Insecticide/Miticide for control of Thrips, Caterpillars and Spider Mites on Roses and French Beans, Thrips on Capsicum, and Tomatoes.

Bentil 23EC - 25ml

(5.00)54 Reviews
Pack Size: 25ml
Pack Size: 25ml

Bentil 23EC - 500ml

(5.00)72 Reviews
Pack Size: 500ml
Pack Size: 500ml

Bentil 23EC - 50ml

(5.00)9 Reviews
Pack Size: 50ml
Pack Size: 50ml

Bentil 23EC (100ml)

(5.00)27 Reviews
Insecticide/Miticide for control of Thrips, Caterpillars and Spider Mites on Roses and French Beans, Thrips on Capsicum, and Tomatoes, Diamondback Moth on Onions Cabbage and Fall Armyworm in Maize.
Insecticide/Miticide for control of Thrips, Caterpillars and Spider Mites on Roses and French Beans, Thrips on Capsicum, and Tomatoes, Diamondback Moth on Onions Cabbage and Fall Armyworm in Maize.

Bentil 23EC (1L)

(5.00)36 Reviews
Insecticide/Miticide for control of Thrips, Caterpillars and Spider Mites on Roses and French Beans, Thrips on Capsicum, and Tomatoes, Diamondback Moth on Onions Cabbage and Fall Armyworm in Maize.
Insecticide/Miticide for control of Thrips, Caterpillars and Spider Mites on Roses and French Beans, Thrips on Capsicum, and Tomatoes, Diamondback Moth on Onions Cabbage and Fall Armyworm in Maize.

Bentil 23EC (250ml)

(5.00)27 Reviews
Insecticide/Miticide for control of Thrips, Caterpillars and Spider Mites on Roses and French Beans, Thrips on Capsicum, and Tomatoes, Diamondback Moth on Onions Cabbage and Fall Armyworm in Maize.
Insecticide/Miticide for control of Thrips, Caterpillars and Spider Mites on Roses and French Beans, Thrips on Capsicum, and Tomatoes, Diamondback Moth on Onions Cabbage and Fall Armyworm in Maize.

Bentil 23EC (25ml)

(5.00)27 Reviews
Insecticide/Miticide for control of Thrips, Caterpillars and Spider Mites on Roses and French Beans, Thrips on Capsicum, and Tomatoes, Diamondback Moth on Onions Cabbage and Fall Armyworm in Maize.
Insecticide/Miticide for control of Thrips, Caterpillars and Spider Mites on Roses and French Beans, Thrips on Capsicum, and Tomatoes, Diamondback Moth on Onions Cabbage and Fall Armyworm in Maize.

Bentil 23EC (500ml)

(5.00)18 Reviews
Insecticide/Miticide for control of Thrips, Caterpillars and Spider Mites on Roses and French Beans, Thrips on Capsicum, and Tomatoes, Diamondback Moth on Onions Cabbage and Fall Armyworm in Maize.
Insecticide/Miticide for control of Thrips, Caterpillars and Spider Mites on Roses and French Beans, Thrips on Capsicum, and Tomatoes, Diamondback Moth on Onions Cabbage and Fall Armyworm in Maize.

Bentil 23EC (50ml)

(5.00)27 Reviews
Insecticide/Miticide for control of Thrips, Caterpillars and Spider Mites on Roses and French Beans, Thrips on Capsicum, and Tomatoes, Diamondback Moth on Onions Cabbage and Fall Armyworm in Maize.
Insecticide/Miticide for control of Thrips, Caterpillars and Spider Mites on Roses and French Beans, Thrips on Capsicum, and Tomatoes, Diamondback Moth on Onions Cabbage and Fall Armyworm in Maize.

Berry - Strawberry Seedling Per Seedling

(5.00)27 Reviews
Berry - Strawberry Seedling maintenance is medium to high. Its plant spacing is 12-18 inches with a high watering need. Maturity date is  3 months to 1 year from planting.
Berry - Strawberry Seedling maintenance is medium to high. Its plant spacing is 12-18 inches with a high watering need. Maturity date is  3 months to 1 year from planting.

Berry -Wine Berry Seedling Per Seedling

(5.00)36 Reviews
Berry -Wine Berry may be planted in pots, and grows up to 4 meters. Fruits have enzymes that make the tongue perceive sour as tasting sweet.
Berry -Wine Berry may be planted in pots, and grows up to 4 meters. Fruits have enzymes that make the tongue perceive sour as tasting sweet.

Berry- Blackberries Semi Erectile Seedling Per Seedling

0 Reviews
Blackberry can be erect, semi-erect, or trailing. The more upright “erect” varieties form a good hedge and often ripen earlier than do some of the semi-erect types. Many are thornless and produce large, juicy berries, but have slightly lower yields than the trailing types.
Blackberry can be erect, semi-erect, or trailing. The more upright “erect” varieties form a good hedge and often ripen earlier than do some of the semi-erect types. Many are thornless and produce large, juicy berries, but have slightly lower yields than the trailing types.

Berry-Black Berry Seedling Per Seedling

(5.00)63 Reviews
Blackberries are self-fertile, which means pollen from one plant can fertilize the same plant – there’s no need to plant another variety nearby for cross-pollination purposes. But these berries are not self-pollinating: they require bees and butterflies to help transfer pollen from one flower to another.
Blackberries are self-fertile, which means pollen from one plant can fertilize the same plant – there’s no need to plant another variety nearby for cross-pollination purposes. But these berries are not self-pollinating: they require bees and butterflies to help transfer pollen from one flower to another.

Berry-Mulberry Seedling Per Seedling

(5.00)45 Reviews
Mulberry trees are high-harvest, low-maintenance fruit-bearing species. Once established, they hardly require any care beyond pruning and occasional watering. There are various varieties of mulberry trees. However, the three most commonly grown mulberry trees include black mulberry (Morus nigra), red mulberry (Morus rubra), and white mulberry (Morus alba).
Mulberry trees are high-harvest, low-maintenance fruit-bearing species. Once established, they hardly require any care beyond pruning and occasional watering. There are various varieties of mulberry trees. However, the three most commonly grown mulberry trees include black mulberry (Morus nigra), red mulberry (Morus rubra), and white mulberry (Morus alba).

Berry-Raspberry Red Seedling Per Seedling

(5.00)36 Reviews
Heritage everbearing red raspberry is a favorite for its flavor, firmness, and fruit size. This variety produces abundant crops of large, sweet, dark red berries that are perfect for eating fresh, canning, freezing, or making jams and jellies. These self-supporting, upright canes are hearty enough to grow in poor soil but require a well-drained site.
Heritage everbearing red raspberry is a favorite for its flavor, firmness, and fruit size. This variety produces abundant crops of large, sweet, dark red berries that are perfect for eating fresh, canning, freezing, or making jams and jellies. These self-supporting, upright canes are hearty enough to grow in poor soil but require a well-drained site.

Berry–Raspberry Seedling Per Seedling

(5.00)36 Reviews
Raspberry is a deciduous perennial plant that ranks second after strawberry as one of the most popular berries worldwide. The fruit has high nutritional value and healing properties.  Raspberry has a long history of medicinal and food use. Raspberries are well adapted in Kenya and are found growing wildly, and were primarily used as medicine by our forefathers/mothers.
Raspberry is a deciduous perennial plant that ranks second after strawberry as one of the most popular berries worldwide. The fruit has high nutritional value and healing properties.  Raspberry has a long history of medicinal and food use. Raspberries are well adapted in Kenya and are found growing wildly, and were primarily used as medicine by our forefathers/mothers.

Bestox 100 EC (100ml)

0 Reviews
Original price was: KSh3,000.00.Current price is: KSh1,500.00.
Bestox 100 EC is a broad spectrum and highly active pyrethroid insecticide which acts on pests through contact and ingestion.
Bestox 100 EC is a broad spectrum and highly active pyrethroid insecticide which acts on pests through contact and ingestion.

Bestox 100 EC (100ml)

(5.00)45 Reviews
Original price was: KSh3,000.00.Current price is: KSh1,500.00.
Bestox 100 EC is a broad spectrum and highly active pyrethroid insecticide which acts on pests through contact and ingestion.
Bestox 100 EC is a broad spectrum and highly active pyrethroid insecticide which acts on pests through contact and ingestion.

Bestox 100 EC (1ltr)

0 Reviews
Original price was: KSh8,000.00.Current price is: KSh4,000.00.
Bestox 100 EC is a broad spectrum and highly active pyrethroid insecticide which acts on pests through contact and ingestion.
Bestox 100 EC is a broad spectrum and highly active pyrethroid insecticide which acts on pests through contact and ingestion.

Bestox 100 EC (1ltr)

(5.00)198 Reviews
Original price was: KSh8,000.00.Current price is: KSh4,000.00.
Bestox 100 EC is a broad spectrum and highly active pyrethroid insecticide which acts on pests through contact and ingestion.
Bestox 100 EC is a broad spectrum and highly active pyrethroid insecticide which acts on pests through contact and ingestion.

Betacyde 25 EC (100ml)

(5.00)36 Reviews
Betacyde 25EC is a broad spectrum insecticide containing beta-cyfluthrin which has rapid knock- down effect.
Betacyde 25EC is a broad spectrum insecticide containing beta-cyfluthrin which has rapid knock- down effect.

Betacyde 25 EC (1L)

(5.00)36 Reviews
Betacyde 25EC is a broad spectrum insecticide containing beta-cyfluthrin which has rapid knock- down effect.
Betacyde 25EC is a broad spectrum insecticide containing beta-cyfluthrin which has rapid knock- down effect.

Betacyde 25 EC (250ml)

(5.00)36 Reviews
Betacyde 25EC is a broad spectrum insecticide containing beta-cyfluthrin which has rapid knock- down effect.
Betacyde 25EC is a broad spectrum insecticide containing beta-cyfluthrin which has rapid knock- down effect.

Betacyde 25 EC (50ml)

(5.00)36 Reviews
Betacyde 25EC is a broad spectrum insecticide containing beta-cyfluthrin which has rapid knock- down effect.
Betacyde 25EC is a broad spectrum insecticide containing beta-cyfluthrin which has rapid knock- down effect.

Betafos 263 EC (100ml)

(5.00)36 Reviews
Betafos 263 EC is a broad spectrum insecticide with a combination of two active ingredients the beta cyfluthrin and chlorpyrifos which has a rapid knock-down effect for control of thrips, aphids, whiteflies, and bollworm.
Betafos 263 EC is a broad spectrum insecticide with a combination of two active ingredients the beta cyfluthrin and chlorpyrifos which has a rapid knock-down effect for control of thrips, aphids, whiteflies, and bollworm.

Betafos 263 EC (1L)

(5.00)36 Reviews
Betafos 263 EC is a broad spectrum insecticide with a combination of two active ingredients the beta cyfluthrin and chlorpyrifos which has a rapid knock-down effect for control of thrips, aphids, whiteflies, and bollworm.
Betafos 263 EC is a broad spectrum insecticide with a combination of two active ingredients the beta cyfluthrin and chlorpyrifos which has a rapid knock-down effect for control of thrips, aphids, whiteflies, and bollworm.

Betafos 263 EC (500ml)

(5.00)36 Reviews
Betafos 263 EC is a broad spectrum insecticide with a combination of two active ingredients the beta cyfluthrin and chlorpyrifos which has a rapid knock-down effect for control of thrips, aphids, whiteflies, and bollworm.
Betafos 263 EC is a broad spectrum insecticide with a combination of two active ingredients the beta cyfluthrin and chlorpyrifos which has a rapid knock-down effect for control of thrips, aphids, whiteflies, and bollworm.

Betafos 263 EC (50ml)

(5.00)45 Reviews
Betafos 263 EC is a broad spectrum insecticide with a combination of two active ingredients the beta cyfluthrin and chlorpyrifos which has a rapid knock-down effect for control of thrips, aphids, whiteflies, and bollworm.
Betafos 263 EC is a broad spectrum insecticide with a combination of two active ingredients the beta cyfluthrin and chlorpyrifos which has a rapid knock-down effect for control of thrips, aphids, whiteflies, and bollworm.

Betaklin 480SL (1L)

(5.00)27 Reviews
An Early Post Emergence Selective herbicide for the control of Broad Leaved Weeds and Nut Grasses in Maize, Beans and Potatoes.
An Early Post Emergence Selective herbicide for the control of Broad Leaved Weeds and Nut Grasses in Maize, Beans and Potatoes.

Betaklin 480SL (200ml)

(5.00)27 Reviews
An Early Post Emergence Selective herbicide for the control of Broad Leaved Weeds and Nut Grasses in Maize, Beans and Potatoes.  
An Early Post Emergence Selective herbicide for the control of Broad Leaved Weeds and Nut Grasses in Maize, Beans and Potatoes.  

Betaklin 480SL (500ml)

(5.00)36 Reviews
An Early Post Emergence Selective herbicide for the control of Broad Leaved Weeds and Nut Grasses in Maize, Beans and Potatoes.
An Early Post Emergence Selective herbicide for the control of Broad Leaved Weeds and Nut Grasses in Maize, Beans and Potatoes.

Bharat Bio Nourish per L

(5.00)36 Reviews
Brief description: I-ZAP is an insecticide for the Control of White Flies & Aphids on crops, especially Roses. It is an eco-friendly, herbal water extract with no chemicals as solvents or preservatives. I-ZAP is a unique molecule derived from plant extracts and oils based on the principles of allopathy.
Brief description: I-ZAP is an insecticide for the Control of White Flies & Aphids on crops, especially Roses. It is an eco-friendly, herbal water extract with no chemicals as solvents or preservatives. I-ZAP is a unique molecule derived from plant extracts and oils based on the principles of allopathy.
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