Product details
Ortiva 250 SC is a broad-spectrum contact and systemic fungicide for the control of botrytis, rust, and downy mildew in roses, carnations, statice and ascochyta, anthracnose, rust in peas and beans.
Active Ingredient In Ortiva 250 SC
250g/l Azoxystrobin. Azoxystrobin is the ISO common name for an organic compound that is used as a fungicide. It is a broad-spectrum systemic active ingredient widely used in agriculture to protect crops from fungal diseases.
Mode Of Action
Azoxystrobin inhibits spore germination and the early stages of fungal development. This confers excellent protection against invasion by fungal pathogens. It is also active against post-germination stages of the life cycle in a broad range of fungal species.
Ortiva 250 SC Pest Target
- Rust and Ring Spot in carnations
- Botrytis & powdery mildew in Roses
- Botrytis in statice
- Powdery Mildew and Ascochyta in peas
- Rust and Bean Anthracnose in French Beans
Main Crops
- Vegetables
- Ornamentals
- Peas
- Beans
Key Benefits Of Ortiva 250 SC
- Based on naturally occurring fungicides, strobilurins
- Modern broad spectrum for a broad range of ornamentals
- Novel mode of action at a low dosage rate
- Excellent crop reservation due to strong preventive effect
- Excellent control of Downey mildew and botrytis
- Low PHI of 3 days in peas and beans with low residues
Mixing And Rates Of Application
Apply 20ml in 20l of water Knapsack
Apply at 0.5l/ha
Ortiva 250 SC Packaging
- 20ml
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