Product details
Nimbecidine is a broad-spectrum natural neem-based preparation for the control of a wide range of insects, leather jackets, red mites, and nematodes.
Botanical nematicide, Insecticide, miticide & pest repellent 0.03% EC (300ppm) Azadirachtin & other triterpenoids, meliantriol, salannin nimbin.
It(0.03% Azadirachtin triterpenoids meliantriol salannin nimbin) acts as an insecticidal, oviposition deterrent, sterilant, feeding deterrent, and insect growth regulator.
NIMBECIDINE is a neem-oil-based botanical insecticide containing Azadirachtin and other limonoids including Meliantriol, Salanin, Nimbin and other terpenoids.
Nimbecidine Pest Target
- Spider mites
- Leather jackets
- Caterpillar
- Whitefly
- Aphids
- Thrips
- Bollworm
- Cutworm
- Leafhoppers
- Leaf miners
- Spider mites
- Weevils
- Parasitic Nematodes
- Desert Locusts
- Scales
Nimbecidine Features
- Nimbecidine is a natural plant-based botanical insecticide with a broad spectrum of activity on insect pests.
- It is eco-friendly and helps to maintain the Ecological Balance.
- It does not create resistance, resurgence nor residue problems.
- Forms a good molecule for use in the IPM program.
Nimbecidine Benefits
- It effectively controls economically important pests such as whiteflies, Aphids, Thrips, Mealybugs, Leather Jackets, Caterpillars, and Leafhoppers in a wide range of crops.
- It is safe for natural enemies like beneficial parasites and predators and thus offers long-lasting pest control.
- Insects cannot develop resistance against Nimbecidine.
- Helps to increase productivity by controlling the pests and improving crop health.
Application Rate
Alone: 50 ml in 20 L. In mixtures with other insecticides 25 ml in 20 L and the full dose of the other insecticide.
Nimbecidine Direction for Use
Add water to NIMBECIDINE. DO NOT add NIMBECIDINE EC to water. Stir well to get a good emulsion. The spray fluid should be applied to target the pests directly.
Nimbecidine Rates of Application
NIMBECIDINE is applied at the rate of 3Litres/ha as a foliar spray and 5-8L/ha as a drench.
Nimbecidine Mode of Action
NIMBECIDINE exhibits multiple modes of action. It acts as an Antifeedant, Repellent, Ovi-position Deterrent, Antifeedant, Insect Growth Regulator Sterilant.
Nimbecidine Recommended Application Method
By foliar and soil drenching.
Foliar spray – Prepare the spray fluid by mixing Nimbecidine with water @ 50 ml / 20Litre. The spray fluid should be applied to target the pests directly. The dosage and spray fluid volume required varies with the pest level, crop canopy, and local spray practices.
Apply preferably in the early morning or late evening hours.
Nimbecidine Preparation of Spray Solution
Add water to Nimbecidine. Do not add Nimbecidine to water.
Stir well to get a good emulsion.
Nimbecidine Compatibility
Nimbecidine is compatible with most agricultural crop protection chemicals and bio-control agents.
Nimbecidine Crops
- Cucurbits
- Tomatoes
- Peas
- French beans
- Snow peas
- Roses
Available Packaging Quantities:
Available in 100ml, 500ml, 1 liter, and 5 liters.
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