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Onion- Spring Seedling Per Seedling

(5.00)63 Reviews
Spring onions also called Scallions or Green and Bunching Onions are very easy to grow both for subsistent and commercial purposes and consumers like them because they can be used in variety of recipes as seasoning in soups and salads hence their other name- Salad Onions. This variety of onions are non-bulbing grown from seeds. It is an early and highly productive onion grown for stems rather bulbs with attractive tasty dark green leaves. The journey of spring onions begins from the nursery and later transplanted in the field for good establishment.
Spring onions also called Scallions or Green and Bunching Onions are very easy to grow both for subsistent and commercial purposes and consumers like them because they can be used in variety of recipes as seasoning in soups and salads hence their other name- Salad Onions. This variety of onions are non-bulbing grown from seeds. It is an early and highly productive onion grown for stems rather bulbs with attractive tasty dark green leaves. The journey of spring onions begins from the nursery and later transplanted in the field for good establishment.
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