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Body-Solid Leg Press And Hack Squat

(5.00)18 Reviews
Hack squats are loaded on the shoulders, with the lifter having to squat down and stand up to perform the exercise. The leg presses are loaded via a platform that the lifter pushes away while laying down. Both primarily target the quads, with a secondary emphasis placed on the glutes muscles.
Hack squats are loaded on the shoulders, with the lifter having to squat down and stand up to perform the exercise. The leg presses are loaded via a platform that the lifter pushes away while laying down. Both primarily target the quads, with a secondary emphasis placed on the glutes muscles.

Commercial Leg Curl/Extension Machine

(5.00)18 Reviews
The Impulse Light Commercial Leg Extension / Leg Curl machine delivers a compact and effective way to strengthen your quadriceps and hamstrings for improved strength and balance. Its also light enough for beginners and rehabilitation exercises.
The Impulse Light Commercial Leg Extension / Leg Curl machine delivers a compact and effective way to strengthen your quadriceps and hamstrings for improved strength and balance. Its also light enough for beginners and rehabilitation exercises.
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