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Showing 241–280 of 313 results

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Red Cat (5g)

0 Reviews
Original price was: KSh105.00.Current price is: KSh100.00.
Red Cat is a rodenticide that is effective against both rats and mice, including resistant strains in homes, apartments, and offices.
Red Cat is a rodenticide that is effective against both rats and mice, including resistant strains in homes, apartments, and offices.

Ridomil Gold

(5.00)99 Reviews
Ridomil Gold also improves stand, root health, and crop vigor and has flexible application methods and a clear, easy-to-use formulation.
Ridomil Gold also improves stand, root health, and crop vigor and has flexible application methods and a clear, easy-to-use formulation.

Ridomil Gold

0 Reviews
Ridomil Gold also improves stand, root health, and crop vigor and has flexible application methods and a clear, easy-to-use formulation.
Ridomil Gold also improves stand, root health, and crop vigor and has flexible application methods and a clear, easy-to-use formulation.

Rock Alum (1kg)

(5.00)54 Reviews
Rock Alum(aluminium sulphate) flocculating agent in the purification of drinking water and waste water treatment plants.
Rock Alum(aluminium sulphate) flocculating agent in the purification of drinking water and waste water treatment plants.

Rock Alum (250g)

(5.00)18 Reviews
Rock Alum(aluminium sulphate) flocculating agent in the purification of drinking water and waste water treatment plants.
Rock Alum(aluminium sulphate) flocculating agent in the purification of drinking water and waste water treatment plants.

Rock Alum (500g)

(5.00)54 Reviews
Rock Alum(aluminum sulphate) flocculating agent in the purification of drinking water and wastewater treatment plants.
Rock Alum(aluminum sulphate) flocculating agent in the purification of drinking water and wastewater treatment plants.

Rock Alum 1kg

(5.00)45 Reviews
Rock Alum(aluminium sulphate) flocculating agent in the purification of drinking water and waste water treatment plants.
Rock Alum(aluminium sulphate) flocculating agent in the purification of drinking water and waste water treatment plants.

Rock Alum 250g

(5.00)45 Reviews
Rock Alum(aluminium sulphate) flocculating agent in the purification of drinking water and waste water treatment plants.
Rock Alum(aluminium sulphate) flocculating agent in the purification of drinking water and waste water treatment plants.

Rock Alum 500g

(5.00)45 Reviews
Rock Alum(aluminium sulphate) flocculating agent in the purification of drinking water and waste water treatment plants.
Rock Alum(aluminium sulphate) flocculating agent in the purification of drinking water and waste water treatment plants.

Rodilon Wax Blocks 10g

0 Reviews
Original price was: KSh99.00.Current price is: KSh95.00.
Rodilon Wax Blocks is an active rodenticide anticoagulant bait in block form for the control of the ROOF RAT, NORWAY RAT and HOUSE MOUSE.
Rodilon Wax Blocks is an active rodenticide anticoagulant bait in block form for the control of the ROOF RAT, NORWAY RAT and HOUSE MOUSE.

Roundup 360K (1lt)

(5.00)54 Reviews
Original price was: KSh6,000.00.Current price is: KSh2,999.00.
Roundup 360K is the most economical and effective way to handle really widespread weed problems and delivers all the weed-control power you need to the root so they won’t come back.
Roundup 360K is the most economical and effective way to handle really widespread weed problems and delivers all the weed-control power you need to the root so they won’t come back.

Roundup 360K (1lt)

0 Reviews
Original price was: KSh5,999.00.Current price is: KSh2,999.00.
Roundup 360K is the most economical and effective way to handle really widespread weed problems and delivers all the weed-control power you need to the root so they won’t come back.
Roundup 360K is the most economical and effective way to handle really widespread weed problems and delivers all the weed-control power you need to the root so they won’t come back.

Roundup Turbo - 1ltr

0 Reviews
Original price was: KSh7,000.00.Current price is: KSh3,499.00.
Roundup Turbo is the most economical and effective way to handle really widespread weed problems and delivers all the weed-control power you need to the root so they won’t come back.
Roundup Turbo is the most economical and effective way to handle really widespread weed problems and delivers all the weed-control power you need to the root so they won’t come back.

Roundup Turbo - 1ltr

0 Reviews
Original price was: KSh7,000.00.Current price is: KSh3,499.00.
Roundup Turbo is the most economical and effective way to handle really widespread weed problems and delivers all the weed-control power you need to the root so they won’t come back.
Roundup Turbo is the most economical and effective way to handle really widespread weed problems and delivers all the weed-control power you need to the root so they won’t come back.

Roundup Turbo - 300ml

(5.00)81 Reviews
Original price was: KSh4,000.00.Current price is: KSh1,999.00.
Roundup Turbo is the most economical and effective way to handle really widespread weed problems and delivers all the weed-control power you need to the root so they won’t come back.
Roundup Turbo is the most economical and effective way to handle really widespread weed problems and delivers all the weed-control power you need to the root so they won’t come back.

Roundup Turbo - 300ml

0 Reviews
Original price was: KSh4,000.00.Current price is: KSh1,999.00.
Roundup Turbo is the most economical and effective way to handle really widespread weed problems and delivers all the weed-control power you need to the root so they won’t come back.
Roundup Turbo is the most economical and effective way to handle really widespread weed problems and delivers all the weed-control power you need to the root so they won’t come back.

Score 250 EC (20ml)

(5.00)18 Reviews
Original price was: KSh1,005.00.Current price is: KSh1,000.00.
Score 250 EC is a broad-spectrum systemic triazole fungicide that provides outstanding control of leaf rust and leaf spots.
Score 250 EC is a broad-spectrum systemic triazole fungicide that provides outstanding control of leaf rust and leaf spots.

Score 250EC (1ltr)

0 Reviews
Original price was: KSh10,005.00.Current price is: KSh10,000.00.
Score 250 EC is a broad-spectrum systemic triazole fungicide that provides outstanding control of leaf rust and leaf spots.
Score 250 EC is a broad-spectrum systemic triazole fungicide that provides outstanding control of leaf rust and leaf spots.

Selective Lawn Weed Killer (200ml)

(5.00)63 Reviews
Original price was: KSh3,005.00.Current price is: KSh2,999.00.
Selective Lawn Weed Killer is used to control a wide range of broadleaf and grassy weeds that destroy lawns by robbing the grass of sunlight.
Selective Lawn Weed Killer is used to control a wide range of broadleaf and grassy weeds that destroy lawns by robbing the grass of sunlight.

Snail Control Solution (CCT) 1ltr

(5.00)45 Reviews
Original price was: KSh3,738.00.Current price is: KSh3,728.00.
Snail Control Solution (CCT) is a specially formulated chemical for long term control of snails and slugs in gardens, buildings, lawns, and compunds.
Snail Control Solution (CCT) is a specially formulated chemical for long term control of snails and slugs in gardens, buildings, lawns, and compunds.

Snail Control Solution (CCT) 250ml

(5.00)45 Reviews
Original price was: KSh1,735.00.Current price is: KSh1,725.00.
Snail Control Solution (CCT) is a specially formulated chemical for long term control of snails and slugs in gardens, buildings, lawns, and compunds.
Snail Control Solution (CCT) is a specially formulated chemical for long term control of snails and slugs in gardens, buildings, lawns, and compunds.

Snail Control Solution (CCT) 250ml - 2pcs

(5.00)18 Reviews
Original price was: KSh2,567.00.Current price is: KSh2,557.00.
Snail Control Solution (CCT) is a specially formulated chemical for long term control of snails and slugs in gardens, buildings, lawns, and compunds.
Snail Control Solution (CCT) is a specially formulated chemical for long term control of snails and slugs in gardens, buildings, lawns, and compunds.

Snail Control Solution (CCT) 500ml

(5.00)45 Reviews
Original price was: KSh2,756.00.Current price is: KSh2,746.00.
Snail Control Solution (CCT) is a specially formulated chemical for long term control of snails and slugs in gardens, buildings, lawns, and compunds.
Snail Control Solution (CCT) is a specially formulated chemical for long term control of snails and slugs in gardens, buildings, lawns, and compunds.

Snake Fix (100g)

(5.00)18 Reviews
Original price was: KSh2,000.00.Current price is: KSh1,999.00.
Snake Fix repels or kills all poisonous snakes within your home, yard or garden by attracting them with the fragrance of the chemical which will weaken their respiratory systems killing them in their hideouts instantly.
Snake Fix repels or kills all poisonous snakes within your home, yard or garden by attracting them with the fragrance of the chemical which will weaken their respiratory systems killing them in their hideouts instantly.

Snake Fix (200g)

(5.00)108 Reviews
Original price was: KSh3,000.00.Current price is: KSh2,999.00.
Snake Fix repels or kills all poisonous snakes within your home, yard or garden by attracting them with the fragrance of the chemical which will weaken their respiratory systems killing them in their hideouts instantly.
Snake Fix repels or kills all poisonous snakes within your home, yard or garden by attracting them with the fragrance of the chemical which will weaken their respiratory systems killing them in their hideouts instantly.

Snake Fix (400g)

0 Reviews
Original price was: KSh4,000.00.Current price is: KSh3,999.00.
Snake Fix repels or kills all poisonous snakes within your home, yard or garden by attracting them with the fragrance of the chemical which will weaken their respiratory systems killing them in their hideouts instantly.
Snake Fix repels or kills all poisonous snakes within your home, yard or garden by attracting them with the fragrance of the chemical which will weaken their respiratory systems killing them in their hideouts instantly.

Snake RPL Fixer (1kg)

(5.00)162 Reviews
Original price was: KSh3,999.00.Current price is: KSh3,998.00.
Snake RPL Fixer repels or kills snakes within your home, yard and garden by attracting them with a fragrance of the chemical which will weaken their respiratory systems killing them in their hideouts instantly.
Snake RPL Fixer repels or kills snakes within your home, yard and garden by attracting them with a fragrance of the chemical which will weaken their respiratory systems killing them in their hideouts instantly.

Snake RPL Fixer (250g)

(5.00)72 Reviews
Original price was: KSh1,997.00.Current price is: KSh1,995.00.
Snake RPL Fixer repels or kills snakes within your home, yard and garden by attracting them with a fragrance of the chemical which will weaken their respiratory systems killing them in their hideouts instantly.
Snake RPL Fixer repels or kills snakes within your home, yard and garden by attracting them with a fragrance of the chemical which will weaken their respiratory systems killing them in their hideouts instantly.

Snake RPL Fixer (500g)

(5.00)18 Reviews
Original price was: KSh3,999.00.Current price is: KSh3,997.00.
Snake RPL Fixer repels or kills snakes within your home, yard and garden by attracting them with a fragrance of the chemical which will weaken their respiratory systems killing them in their hideouts instantly.
Snake RPL Fixer repels or kills snakes within your home, yard and garden by attracting them with a fragrance of the chemical which will weaken their respiratory systems killing them in their hideouts instantly.

Snake RPL Fixer (Liquid) - 1ltr

(5.00)63 Reviews
Original price was: KSh2,400.00.Current price is: KSh2,399.00.
Snake RPL Fixer repels or kills snakes within your home, yard and garden by attracting them with a fragrance of the chemical which will weaken their respiratory systems killing them in their hideouts instantly.
Snake RPL Fixer repels or kills snakes within your home, yard and garden by attracting them with a fragrance of the chemical which will weaken their respiratory systems killing them in their hideouts instantly.

Snake RPL Fixer (Liquid) - 250ml

(5.00)9 Reviews
Original price was: KSh1,400.00.Current price is: KSh1,399.00.
Snake RPL Fixer repels or kills snakes within your home, yard and garden by attracting them with a fragrance of the chemical which will weaken their respiratory systems killing them in their hideouts instantly.
Snake RPL Fixer repels or kills snakes within your home, yard and garden by attracting them with a fragrance of the chemical which will weaken their respiratory systems killing them in their hideouts instantly.

Snake RPL Fixer (Liquid) - 500ml

(5.00)54 Reviews
Original price was: KSh1,400.00.Current price is: KSh1,399.00.
Snake RPL Fixer repels or kills snakes within your home, yard and garden by attracting them with a fragrance of the chemical which will weaken their respiratory systems killing them in their hideouts instantly.
Snake RPL Fixer repels or kills snakes within your home, yard and garden by attracting them with a fragrance of the chemical which will weaken their respiratory systems killing them in their hideouts instantly.


0 Reviews
Snakeline repels or kills all poisonous snakes within your home, yard or garden by attracting them with the fragrance of the chemical which will weaken their respiratory systems killing them in their hideouts instantly.
Snakeline repels or kills all poisonous snakes within your home, yard or garden by attracting them with the fragrance of the chemical which will weaken their respiratory systems killing them in their hideouts instantly.


0 Reviews
Snakeline repels or kills all poisonous snakes within your home, yard or garden by attracting them with the fragrance of the chemical which will weaken their respiratory systems killing them in their hideouts instantly.
Snakeline repels or kills all poisonous snakes within your home, yard or garden by attracting them with the fragrance of the chemical which will weaken their respiratory systems killing them in their hideouts instantly.

Snakeline 1kg

0 Reviews
Original price was: KSh4,499.00.Current price is: KSh2,399.00.
Snakeline repels or kills all poisonous snakes within your home, yard or garden by attracting them with the fragrance of the chemical which will weaken their respiratory systems killing them in their hideouts instantly.
Snakeline repels or kills all poisonous snakes within your home, yard or garden by attracting them with the fragrance of the chemical which will weaken their respiratory systems killing them in their hideouts instantly.

Solvit 175 EW - 1ltr

(5.00)54 Reviews
Original price was: KSh10,005.00.Current price is: KSh9,999.00.
Thiovit Jet provides superior contact, fumigant, and residual activity against mites and powdery mildew, due to its optimum particle size. It is used in a wide range of fruits, vegetables, ornamentals, coffee, tea, cashews, grapes, citrus, tomatoes, chilies, hot pepper and flowers, and field crops.
Thiovit Jet provides superior contact, fumigant, and residual activity against mites and powdery mildew, due to its optimum particle size. It is used in a wide range of fruits, vegetables, ornamentals, coffee, tea, cashews, grapes, citrus, tomatoes, chilies, hot pepper and flowers, and field crops.

Storm Rodenticide Wax Block Bait 20g

(5.00)27 Reviews
Storm Secure blocks are a highly potent anticoagulant rodenticide that is effective against both rats and mice, including resistant strains in homes and offices.
Storm Secure blocks are a highly potent anticoagulant rodenticide that is effective against both rats and mice, including resistant strains in homes and offices.

Storm Rodenticide Wax Block Bait 3kg

(5.00)27 Reviews
Storm Secure blocks are a highly potent anticoagulant rodenticide that is effective against both rats and mice, including resistant strains in homes and offices.
Storm Secure blocks are a highly potent anticoagulant rodenticide that is effective against both rats and mice, including resistant strains in homes and offices.

Storm Secure Block - Rat Poison (20g)

(5.00)54 Reviews
Storm Secure blocks are a highly potent anticoagulant rodenticide that is effective against both rats and mice, including resistant strains in homes and offices.
Storm Secure blocks are a highly potent anticoagulant rodenticide that is effective against both rats and mice, including resistant strains in homes and offices.

Storm Secure Block - Rat Poison (20g)

0 Reviews
Storm Secure blocks are a highly potent anticoagulant rodenticide that is effective against both rats and mice, including resistant strains in homes and offices.
Storm Secure blocks are a highly potent anticoagulant rodenticide that is effective against both rats and mice, including resistant strains in homes and offices.
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