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Mursban 480sc Insecticide (250ml)

(5.00)18 Reviews
An Insecticide for the control of antestia bugsin coffee, thrips, aphids and whiteflies on roses; aphids, scaly insects and Tearmites on Tea.
An Insecticide for the control of antestia bugsin coffee, thrips, aphids and whiteflies on roses; aphids, scaly insects and Tearmites on Tea.

Mursban 480sc Insecticide (500ml)

(5.00)27 Reviews
An Insecticide for the control of antestia bugsin coffee, thrips, aphids and whiteflies on roses; aphids, scaly insects and Tearmites on Tea.
An Insecticide for the control of antestia bugsin coffee, thrips, aphids and whiteflies on roses; aphids, scaly insects and Tearmites on Tea.

Oshothion 50 EC

(5.00)45 Reviews
Oshothion 50 EC is an insecticide that acts effectively when applied as foliar since most of the insect pests are found on the leaf surfaces.
Oshothion 50 EC is an insecticide that acts effectively when applied as foliar since most of the insect pests are found on the leaf surfaces.

Oshothion 50 EC

0 Reviews
Oshothion 50 EC is an insecticide that acts effectively when applied as foliar since most of the insect pests are found on the leaf surfaces.
Oshothion 50 EC is an insecticide that acts effectively when applied as foliar since most of the insect pests are found on the leaf surfaces.

Pegasus 500SC

(5.00)63 Reviews
Pegasus 500SC is a broad-spectrum insecticide and miticide that controls aphids, whiteflies, thrips, caterpillars, and two-spotted mites. It offers strong translaminar and vapor action so controls hidden pests on the lower leaf surface. Soft on beneficial insects and therefore compatible with IPM and ICM programs, it is long-lasting and has a strong phytotonic effect which usually enhances yield.
Pegasus 500SC is a broad-spectrum insecticide and miticide that controls aphids, whiteflies, thrips, caterpillars, and two-spotted mites. It offers strong translaminar and vapor action so controls hidden pests on the lower leaf surface. Soft on beneficial insects and therefore compatible with IPM and ICM programs, it is long-lasting and has a strong phytotonic effect which usually enhances yield.

Pentagon 50 EC

(5.00)72 Reviews
PENTAGON 50 EC is a highly active contact and ingestion insecticide for foliar and stem application and is active, particularly against sucking insects and chewing insects with a broad spectrum long residual activity widely used in agriculture for controlling insect pests including aphids, thrips, whiteflies, leaf miner, African bollworm, pod borer and leaf beetle in a broad range of edible and ornamental crops.
PENTAGON 50 EC is a highly active contact and ingestion insecticide for foliar and stem application and is active, particularly against sucking insects and chewing insects with a broad spectrum long residual activity widely used in agriculture for controlling insect pests including aphids, thrips, whiteflies, leaf miner, African bollworm, pod borer and leaf beetle in a broad range of edible and ornamental crops.

Protap 500WP (100g)

(5.00)45 Reviews
An insecticide for the control of mealybugs, thrips, aphids and whiteflies on black beans and pigeon peas.
An insecticide for the control of mealybugs, thrips, aphids and whiteflies on black beans and pigeon peas.

Protap 500WP (2kg)

(5.00)18 Reviews
An insecticide for the control of mealybugs, thrips, aphids and whiteflies on black beans and pigeon peas.
An insecticide for the control of mealybugs, thrips, aphids and whiteflies on black beans and pigeon peas.

Protap 500WP (400g)

(5.00)27 Reviews
An insecticide for the control of mealybugs, thrips, aphids and whiteflies on black beans and pigeon peas.
An insecticide for the control of mealybugs, thrips, aphids and whiteflies on black beans and pigeon peas.

Protest 200 SL (100ml)

(5.00)45 Reviews
Protest 200 SL Acts as inhibitor at nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the nervous system.
Protest 200 SL Acts as inhibitor at nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the nervous system.

Protest 200 SL (1L)

(5.00)45 Reviews
Protest 200 SL acts as inhibitor at nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the nervous system.
Protest 200 SL acts as inhibitor at nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the nervous system.

Protest 200 SL (250ml)

(5.00)45 Reviews
Protest 200 SL Acts as inhibitor at nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the nervous system.
Protest 200 SL Acts as inhibitor at nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the nervous system.

Protest 200 SL (50ml)

(5.00)45 Reviews
Protest 200 SL Acts as inhibitor at nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the nervous system.
Protest 200 SL Acts as inhibitor at nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the nervous system.

Segatron Ultra 98% EC (1L)

(5.00)54 Reviews
Description An insecticide for control of aphids, whiteflies, mealybugs and spidermites on roses, aphids, leafminers and whiteflies in French beans and tomatoes. Has ovicidal activity and also acts by suffocation.      
Description An insecticide for control of aphids, whiteflies, mealybugs and spidermites on roses, aphids, leafminers and whiteflies in French beans and tomatoes. Has ovicidal activity and also acts by suffocation.      

Segatron Ultra 98% EC (500ml)

(5.00)36 Reviews
Description Segatron ultra 98 % EC an insecticide for control of aphids, whiteflies, mealybugs and spidermites on roses, aphids, leafminers and whiteflies in French beans and tomatoes. Has ovicidal activity and also acts by suffocation.    
Description Segatron ultra 98 % EC an insecticide for control of aphids, whiteflies, mealybugs and spidermites on roses, aphids, leafminers and whiteflies in French beans and tomatoes. Has ovicidal activity and also acts by suffocation.    

Sulban 48EC

0 Reviews
Sulban 48EC is a non-systemic insecticide with contact, stomach, and respiratory action.
Sulban 48EC is a non-systemic insecticide with contact, stomach, and respiratory action.

Tata Alpha10 EC 100ml

(5.00)27 Reviews
Tata Alpha10 EC is a broad-spectrum,non-systemic, synthetic pyrethroid insecticide for the excellent control of insect pests on various crops. it is used on a wide range of chewing and sucking insects.
Tata Alpha10 EC is a broad-spectrum,non-systemic, synthetic pyrethroid insecticide for the excellent control of insect pests on various crops. it is used on a wide range of chewing and sucking insects.

Tata Alpha10 EC 1L

(5.00)36 Reviews
Tata Alpha10 EC is a broad-spectrum,non-systemic, synthetic pyrethroid insecticide for the excellent control of insect pests on various crops. it is used on a wide range of chewing and sucking insects.
Tata Alpha10 EC is a broad-spectrum,non-systemic, synthetic pyrethroid insecticide for the excellent control of insect pests on various crops. it is used on a wide range of chewing and sucking insects.

Tata Alpha10 EC 50ml

(5.00)27 Reviews
Tata Alpha10 EC is a broad-spectrum,non-systemic, synthetic pyrethroid insecticide for the excellent control of insect pests on various crops. it is used on a wide range of chewing and sucking insects.
Tata Alpha10 EC is a broad-spectrum,non-systemic, synthetic pyrethroid insecticide for the excellent control of insect pests on various crops. it is used on a wide range of chewing and sucking insects.

Thunder 145 OD

(5.00)90 Reviews
Thunder 145 OD insecticide for the control of thrips, aphids, and whiteflies on tomatoes and french beans; aphids and whiteflies on roses; carnations and leaf miner in coffee; aphids, African bollworm, loopers, and stainers in cotton; stink bugs, tropical nut borer and red-banded thrips on macadamia and aphids on barley; antesia bugs on coffee; aphids including Russian wheat aphids on wheat.
Thunder 145 OD insecticide for the control of thrips, aphids, and whiteflies on tomatoes and french beans; aphids and whiteflies on roses; carnations and leaf miner in coffee; aphids, African bollworm, loopers, and stainers in cotton; stink bugs, tropical nut borer and red-banded thrips on macadamia and aphids on barley; antesia bugs on coffee; aphids including Russian wheat aphids on wheat.

Thunder 145 OD

0 Reviews
Thunder 145 OD insecticide for the control of thrips, aphids, and whiteflies on tomatoes and french beans; aphids and whiteflies on roses; carnations and leaf miner in coffee; aphids, African bollworm, loopers, and stainers in cotton; stink bugs, tropical nut borer and red-banded thrips on macadamia and aphids on barley; antesia bugs on coffee; aphids including Russian wheat aphids on wheat.
Thunder 145 OD insecticide for the control of thrips, aphids, and whiteflies on tomatoes and french beans; aphids and whiteflies on roses; carnations and leaf miner in coffee; aphids, African bollworm, loopers, and stainers in cotton; stink bugs, tropical nut borer and red-banded thrips on macadamia and aphids on barley; antesia bugs on coffee; aphids including Russian wheat aphids on wheat.

Tihan OD 175

0 Reviews
Tihan OD 175 is an insecticide for control of Lepidoptera (Tuta Absoluta), aphids and thrips in tomatoes, thrips and aphids on French beans, and for control of mealybugs in cotton.
Tihan OD 175 is an insecticide for control of Lepidoptera (Tuta Absoluta), aphids and thrips in tomatoes, thrips and aphids on French beans, and for control of mealybugs in cotton.

Trigard 75WP

(5.00)54 Reviews
Original price was: KSh5,005.00.Current price is: KSh4,999.00.
Trigard 75WP a systemic growth regulator (IGR) for the control of dipterous leaf miner (Liriomyza spp.) larvae in ornamentals, peas, beans, and other vegetables. The systemic dipterous leaf miner specialist acts as an insect growth regulator and is selective toward beneficial. When used in alternation with DYNAMEC for leaf miner control, resistance build-up is prevented due to different modes of action.
Trigard 75WP a systemic growth regulator (IGR) for the control of dipterous leaf miner (Liriomyza spp.) larvae in ornamentals, peas, beans, and other vegetables. The systemic dipterous leaf miner specialist acts as an insect growth regulator and is selective toward beneficial. When used in alternation with DYNAMEC for leaf miner control, resistance build-up is prevented due to different modes of action.

Vendex 50EC (100ml)

(5.00)9 Reviews
An insecticide for the control of aphids, whiteflies, thrips and caterpillars on tomatoes, french beans, and snow peas.
An insecticide for the control of aphids, whiteflies, thrips and caterpillars on tomatoes, french beans, and snow peas.

Vendex 50EC (1L)

(5.00)27 Reviews
An insecticide for the control of aphids, whiteflies, thrips and caterpillars on tomatoes, french beans, and snow peas.
An insecticide for the control of aphids, whiteflies, thrips and caterpillars on tomatoes, french beans, and snow peas.

Vendex 50EC (250ml)

(5.00)54 Reviews
An insecticide for the control of aphids, whiteflies, thrips and caterpillars on tomatoes, french beans, and snow peas.
An insecticide for the control of aphids, whiteflies, thrips and caterpillars on tomatoes, french beans, and snow peas.

Vendex 50EC (500ml)

(5.00)18 Reviews
An insecticide for the control of aphids, whiteflies, thrips and caterpillars on tomatoes, french beans, and snow peas.
An insecticide for the control of aphids, whiteflies, thrips and caterpillars on tomatoes, french beans, and snow peas.

Vendex 50EC (50ml)

(5.00)27 Reviews
An insecticide for the control of aphids, whiteflies, thrips and caterpillars on tomatoes, french beans, and snow peas.
An insecticide for the control of aphids, whiteflies, thrips and caterpillars on tomatoes, french beans, and snow peas.
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