Promax 20 EC has been specifically designed for use as a public health insecticide and provides control of bedbugs, cockroaches, fleas, houseflies and ants in homes and businesses.
Plastic spray bottles are extremely well-made sprayers, easy to use, and maintain good pressure for everyday routine utilities such as window cleaning, watering plants and domestic pest control.
The cordless Nano Spray Gun Atomizer is a handheld device used for disinfecting a wide range of items and surfaces in homes, offices, factories, cinema halls, etc.
Actellic 25EC is an effective broad-spectrum insecticide for the control of mosquitoes, flies, ants, wasps, and cockroaches. It can also be used for ULV application or in thermal fogs.
Albion is a pioneering new product that can reduce physiological disorders, improve flower set, and fruit holding, and improves the firmness and shelf life of fruit and vegetable crops. Albina uses LoCal technology to help plants absorb calcium, a nutrient that can improve quality but is poorly absorbed by plants.
Navigator 100SC is a professional insecticide which controls cockroaches, mosquitoes and bedbugs in domestic premises, public buildings and industrial places.
Actellic 25EC contains pirimiphos-methyl, an organo-phosphorus compound, which kills by contact, ingestion, and fumigant action. Actellic  25EC interferes with nerve transmission leading to paralysis and death of the pest (cholinesterase inhibitor).
Aquawet is a liquid agricultural wetter, spreader and sticker. It improves retention of spray on plant surfaces and enhances distribution of spray over plant foliage or area.
Promax 20 EC was designed to be used by public health to control insects and pests. It provides cockroach control, bedbug control, flea control, and housefly control, ants control for residential homes, institutions, stores, restaurants, and office spaces.